Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Hack keepsafe and Hide it pro app in Android Easliy..

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How to Hack Keepsafe app, Hide it pro and Vault apps
Keepsafe is an app that hide pictures on android phones and Hide it pro is also one of such apps to hide text messages also. This procedure of revealing contents of keepsafe app and Hide it pro works with most of the apps in such category.

Method to Hack keepsafe vault of Android and also Hide it pro
I will use hide it pro instead of keepsafe app to demonstrate the process. However the same can be applicable to hack keepsafe app. This process allows you to bypass any android lock application.

Hide it pro is also one of the apps for locking the pictures(like app lock) and even hiding them. There is a special feature in this app to encrypt any kind of private file. So I prefer this application.

Step 1: Open the application manager in the settings and navigate to downloaded applications.
Step 2: Select the application that you want to crack. In my case, it is Audio Manager.
Step 3: Now select the application(you might select keepsafe app) and clear the data and cache of the application. In my case, it is Hide it pro.
Step 4: DONE! Keep Safe App has been Hacked, now open the app and create your own password.

Method to Restore Photos when password is lost for Hide it Pro
Open file manager. Move either phone memory or SD card. They may be hidden any where. So, make sure to check both of them.Then search for a folder named "Android". You will find one either in SD card or phone memory.Then select "program data".
click on "language" folder. Make sure that you select "show hidden files" option in your file manager.After unhiding you get plenty of folders just select ".fr" folder from the list.
Done! Their you can find the hidden items using Hide it Pro or Audio manager.

Keepsafe hack For iOS
Bypassing Keepsafe lock on iOS is a little complicated.
Copy the file in the path  -  var/Private/Mobile/Applications/KeepSafe (or whatever the folder is named)/Library/Preferences/com.keepsafe.KeepSafe.plist to your computer.Open the copied file with Notepad. Press "CTRL+F" and find the line that looks similar to this  "<key>preference-final-pin</key> <string>ABCD</string>".

ABCD is your password. Open the keepsafe app using this password.

Note for keepsafe on iOS:
If the '.plist' file is in binary form then you can convert the .plist file you want to edit to XML format, edit it in TextEdit, then convert back to binary for use.

To convert a binary .plist file to XML format for editing,

type this in the Terminal:
plutil -convert xml1 some_file.plist

To convert an XML .plist file to binary for use:
plutil -convert binary1 some_other_file.plist

Keepsafe source code has changed for iOS and the above method doesn't work for iOS devices. Search for an alternative on Google
Final Words on Hack keepsafe vault
The same procedure can be followed when you forget the password of photo vault apps like Vault, Hide it pro, Keepsafe, photo locker etc.
Uninstalling  the application and reinstalling also works sometimes but I don't recommend this.
How to prevent this Hacking My Keepsafe or vault password
 So as to stop people viewing Hidden safe files, head over to Google play Store, download “Applock”. Applying this application, protect your settings that has a password to ensure that nobody can easily open as well as Clear Data the apps which might be used to lock your files.


  1. I like LEO Privacy because it's app lock system is very advanced. If screen is turned off then automatically it lock the app.Theme & app cover is also one of the best feature of LEO, privacy guard app is superb....

  2. The most easiest way is by means of apps. Take a look on LEO Privacy in the Android Market.
    It is the most advanced tool to manage your secrets and also photos of your documents.
