HTML5 is a language for creating and providing content for the network is the World Wide Web, the fifth revision of the HTML standard (created in 1990 and in 1997 as has been standard HTML4) and has remained in the hands of Tvshast. The main objectives of HTML5 to improve the language in a way that the latest multimedia support while also easily human-readable and have consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers, etc.) understood. HTML 5 aims not only HTML4 but also HTML2 XHTML1 and support.
Construct 2 engine making game (Game Engine) based on HTML5 to build two-dimensional web games.This engine has been developed by the company Scirra and is designed for non-programming.Using drag-and-drop and visual page this engine can easily design a game.
During the training the Udemy Learn Easy HTML5 Game Development in Construct 2 with the fundamentals of HTML 5 and making the game are familiar with Kanstrkt 2.
Course syllabus for training of Udemy Learn Easy HTML5 Game Development in Construct 2:
– Part 1: Introduction
– Part 2: Project: A game with a runner and shoot
– Part 3: Creating Logic: Events and Event
– Chapter 4: Working with Animations are
– Part 5: Building Mac Annick Core Games
– Part 6: Join the rules of the game and deal
– Part 7: Sound – SFX and music
– Part 8: Adding Effects
– Part 9: Interface Graphics of user (GUI)
– Part 10: Display (HUD)